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Brushed Pewter Clan Crest Badges (Clans MAC)


Brushed pewter crest badges may be worn on a cap to show allegiance to your clan. Ladies can also use a clan badge to adorn a tartan scarf or sash. Gaelic Themes, our vendor, has the exclusive license for the production of Clan Crests based on the Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia by Way and Squire. Every crest has Clan Chief Approval.

Mac Clan Names

MacAlister, MacArthur, MacAulay, MacBain, MacBean, MacCallum, MacCallum (Malcolm), MacDonald, MacDonald of Clanranald, MacDonald of Sleat, MacDougall, MacDuff, MacEwan, MacFarlane, MacFee, MacFie, MacGillivray, MacGregor, MacInnes, MacIntyre, MacKay, MacKenzie, MacKinnon, Mackintosh, MacLachlan, MacLaine, MacLaine of Lochbuie, MacLaren, MacLaughlin, MacLean, MacLellan, MacLennan, MacLeod, MacLeod of Lewis, MacMillan, MacNab, MacNaughton, MacNeil, MacNicol, MacPhee, MacPherson, MacQuarrie, MacQueen, MacRae, MacThomas

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